
Drixx Sixx | The CEO

Adriano Siqueira's got his nickname Drixx Sixx thanks to the social networks. He is originally from Brazil, also lived in Sweden and right now, chose Mexico as home country.

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Jillian | Marketing Guru

Jillian spends her days dreaming of nabbing the top spot on ThemeForest. We think she's on to something.

Email Jillian

Frank | Legal

Frank was born to perform litigious duties. He may be all smiles here, but he's deadly in the courtroom.

Email Frank

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The folks here at X are passionate about WordPress and pushing it to the limits both in terms of functionality and design. While we like to be on the cutting edge, we believe there is a difference between trend and innovation and that it’s our job to figure out which is which. Instead of creating just another WordPress Theme, we set out to do something different, and we think you’ll agree that we did just that. Allow us to introduce you to X premium WordPress theme. Get your copy today!

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