More than two decades of experience in diverse areas of education and passionate about transferring knowledge through private or group lessons.
Worked in several International Schools, Music Schools and Technology Schools as well as coached private students from many countries.
Music Subjects
Music in School

This is the most economic plan, recommended for students interested in a medium term study plan.
It foresees the possibility of re-scheduling lessons and includes recorded lessons for holidays or anticipated nonattendance.

Check out another sample lesson excerpt
Flexible Formats
Every lesson happens in real-time.
For the students' convenience, it can be delivered in-person or online.
In-person lessons can happen in Santa Fe or in a place of student's choice (for a pre-approved extra fee).
Online lessons include a previous first meeting for technical arrangements.
Support Material
The lessons include (when needed) written material in PDF, video examples, digital books, playbacks, transcriptions, samples, links and exercises.
Every student has access to an individual folder in Google Drive with all the material needed.
Support via e-mail or WhatsApp/Telegram groups.
Get in Touch
Our team will be more than happy to provide all the information you need and help you decide how your music education will be!
Please contact us using the form page or any of the available methods there.